چه لذتي داره وقتي يه چيز مبهم كه مدتها فكرتو مشغول كرده، كشف كني. درست مثل اختراع كردن مي مونه. هميشه شكايت از اين داشتم كه چرا توي دوره اي دارم زندگي مي كنم كه بيشتر چيزا اختراع شده! ولي در زندگی هر لحظه فرصتي هست براي چيزهاي تازه و نو به وجود آوردن
2 Comentários:
I have the same feeling sometimes, but I guess people 100 years ago felt the same way. There is always some room and a way to find new things! :)
2 Comentários:
I have the same feeling sometimes, but I guess people 100 years ago felt the same way. There is always some room and a way to find new things! :)
U r right, but u cant put yr name on anything these days, unless u reinnovate the 'APPLE BRAND'!!!;)
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