Monday, 30 July 2007


چقدر مرد تو دنيا كم پيدا ميشه، كاش همونا هم مرد نبودن كه ما رو با طعم مردانگي آشنا كنن

Sunday, 29 July 2007


with motivation you can succeed even in the worst situation.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

لحظه ها

روزها در گذرند
لحظه ها به شتاب از پي هم مي گذرند
هر نفس فرصت سبزيست كه بر باد رود
يا به افسوس زماني كه گذشت
يا در انديشه فردايي دور
يا در اندوه ندانستن ها و به هر جاذبه دل بستن ها
در حصاري كه به دور تن خود ساخته ايم
همه در فاصله ها, مشغله ها غرق شديم
چه بسا ثانيه هايي كه به غفلت بگذشت
چه بسا ثانيه هايي كه در آن مي شد از تجربه لبريز شد
مي شد از تلخي تكرار به گذشتن وماندن برسيم
اندكي هم در همين اكنون انديشه كنيم
لحظه سبزي كه ديروز به فكرش بوديم
فرصتي سبز كه گر رفت و دگر باز نگردد

Friday, 27 July 2007


دلم تنگ ميشه براش, حتي دو هفته دور بودن ازش سخته

Thursday, 26 July 2007

مزاحم الکی

يه جا يه جمله قشنگي نوشته بود
دوست ندارم الكي مزاحم خدا بشم

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

The only way

Be willing to admit that you're wrong or have made a mistake.

It's the only way to learn.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007


I decided to show off my abs, so just started working it out. so many of my friends said that you can easily get a six-pack and well they were right, I already got four of'em out. a piece of cake

maybe you should try too...

Monday, 23 July 2007

خط پايان

راه پر پيچ و خمي رو طي كردم، حالا ديگه دارم به خط پايان نزديك ميشم. برام مهم نيست كه اين راه چه جوري تموم شه، فقط و فقط مي خوام كه تموم شه

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

توفيق اجباري

وقتي كوچيكتر بودم همه آدما رو دوست داشتم
دلم مي خواست با همه آدماي دنيا دوست باشم
اماالان كه بزرگتر شدم
دنيا رو مي دم تا ديگه با بعضي هاشون آشنا هم نباشم
بعضي هم كه حق انتخاب نداشتم, يه جورايي توفيق اجباري شدن

Thursday, 12 July 2007

خط خطي

كاشكي مي شد يه پاك كن بر داشت و يه چيزايي و يه كسايي رو پاك كرد. همه جا حسابي خط خطي شده. ديگه هر بي هنري يه چيزي بر داشته و هر نقشي كه دلش ميخواد هر جايي ميكشه حالا با خودش فكر نمي كنه كه بعضي نقشها موندگارن

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


زن مثل يك هندونه ميمونه
تا كارد بهش نزني توش پيدا نيست
ولي اگه شيرين از آب در بياد چه شود

A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
Eleanor RooseveltUS diplomat & reformer (1884 - 1962)

...من آمده ام


من از امروز بعنوان يكي از نويسنده هاي اين بلاگ شروع به نوشتن مي كنم. چيز زيادي براي گفتن ندارم و زياد هم اهل نوشتن نيستم, شايد فقط حرفهاي كوچيك بزنم مثلا بگم كه امروز چي ياد گرفتم

Crime against Humanity

A 47 years old man stoned to death yesterday for committing adultery!! The execution is said to have taken place in the Ghazvin Province. This is funny in some ways actually, because its usually woman that commits adultery and its always woman that is stoned to death. it was the other way this time. You might think Ghazvin got something to do with it, I don't know. anyway I call this crime against humanity. :D

"Now Moses in the law commanded us, that someone who commits adultery should be stoned"

shame on those people that witnessed this pathetic crime , that's what I call a pathetic nation!!!

Tuesday, 10 July 2007


I just started reading Nasrin Alavi's book which is called 'We are Iran' and i found an interesting paragraph written by Farshid from Acetaminaphen:

There will come a day when every single thing will be put right...
there will be no censors filtering blogs...If they show a veiled woman on TV... They will chequer the TV screen... Then you and I... Will walk the streets till dawn, with a bottle of champagne...That is, if your mum lets us!

I would recommend this book to all Iranians, specially those who live outside of Iran, it will help you to understand what is really going on in Iran...

Monday, 9 July 2007


first post published, blog starting from now on...

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